30 November 2015

A Lesson in Hope from my Refugee Guest

As we sat down for our meal, Ali asked if he could take a picture. "I want to remember this time together," he explained.

Let me back up. We had invited our friend, Hamid, a refugee from Afghanistan to come over for dinner. Hamid lived with us in Vienna for a couple weeks last summer. He was going through a challenging time and needed the extra support of a safe home to live for awhile. Little did we know what joy he would bring into our lives. We loved our evening prayer times and felt honored to learn about his story and journey to Austria. 

The day of our dinner, Hamid asked if he could bring a friend. Of course, I always cook too much food anyway. I just want to be like my niece's Italian mother, whose motto is "FEED ALL OF THE PEOPLE ALL OF THE FOOD ALL OF THE TIME." There was plenty to share.

Hamid guided Ali to the family room. Ali is blind and works as an interpreter.
Both men grew up in Muslim families, but are now both following Jesus because of the kindness of Christians they encountered upon arrival in Europe. I don't know the details of Ali's blindness, but when he explained why he wanted a picture, I was amazed.

"I hope to see someday, so I am taking pictures of all the places I visit so I will be able to see them then."

Ali was taking action on future belief. His hope compelled him to do something now.

I have not been able to shake this question all week: What can I do today that prepares me for the future I long to have?

What are your hopes for the future? What are you doing now to take a step in that direction?

*Hamid gave me permission to share this story.


  1. This is a beautiful story and I'm inspired to think big and 'see' a better future for myself. Thanks for this, Dina!

    1. Thanks for sharing, Elizabeth!

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. I love this and what a lesson to us all....
    I am sharing I pray it's okay to Bless others with this story as well....

    1. Thanks for stopping by and for spreading this story.

  4. What a great story as we begin the Advent season with HOPE! I was encouraged that these young men came to know the love of Christ through the love and graciousness of believers. Thinking of song I used to sing in my teens. "They will know we are Christians by our love. Yes, they will know we are Christians by our love." Thanks for sharing. I'm so glad your family is there to minister at a time like this. Your hospitality and kindness are a gift to so many!

    Your question of future hope reminds me of what God did when he sent Jesus. God took steps to reconcile all of mankind to Himself. He pictured a different future for all of us. Your story conjures fresh thoughts of our God, and gives me a new perspective for living life each day.

    1. Honestly, Gwen, if I would have read this story unconnected to someone I knew, I would have rolled my eyes and not believed it to be true. We have been blessed by so many people who've sat at our table...including you!
