10 December 2012

Back before Instagram

Uncovered some new treasures today.  Dave took a photography class back in the day at Taylor University.  Must have just heard an Ansel Adams lecture (are there lectures in art class?).

I went to art college.
I got the art knowledge.

[Prizes awarded to whoever can name the band.  
If your last name is Horne, you are disqualified.]

Okay, back to the post.  Just got a little distracted.

 This gem has been waiting in a basement file to be uploaded to Instagram.
[no filter]

Dave Horne, the original hipster.

Prizes awarded to whoever can name the band on my tshirt.


  1. Replies
    1. And we have the other winner!!!

      (did you text one of my kids for the answer??)

  2. U2 .... Joshua Tree ... do I at least get a bonus point?
