18 June 2013

Vienna Hair

I really don't want to be mean.  Being funny and being mean are awfully close together.  I just have to share this with you.  I dig the hair colors in Vienna.

Sure, urbanites + Europe = creative hair color.  

I know that equation.  The surprising thing has been the age factor.  

Middle-aged Women (urbanites + Europe) = creative hair color expression ²

Women just like me are the ones with the most colorful hair!!!  It's not just teen punkers.  It's my people! Here are my initial documented findings (wasn't quick enough with my phone to get the stripe of green lady on the bus or the purple headed woman out hiking):
clockwise from top left:Frau Pinky Tuscadero shops at Hofer, Ronald's sister works at BauMaxx,
Orange UBahn, Pretty in Pink on Strassenbahn

But yesterday I found the most impressive hair yet at the Praterstern station.  My search is over.

She was telling the lady in black all about her hair.  The long part was NOT an extension!  The lady was feeling it and tugging at it.  

I'm inspired!  I actually think a little stripe of green or blue might be fun.  It would be just a part of my European enculturation.  The voting is open.  What color should I do?